Among 33 flagship universities of Russia
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Implementing international projects
A practice-oriented programme designed to train students in operating mode management, personnel management, and improving the efficiency of electric power systems and grids
2 years
Unique Master's Programme
Benefits of applying to NMSTU
The university campus offers accommodation to every student from other cities
Every student is provided with dormitory accommodation
Foreign students may contact the International Cooperation Directorate regarding accommodation:
Telephone number: +7 3519 22 04 67
город с развитой инфраструктурой 
Fancy going to the theater or museum with your friends in the evening? Or maybe you would like to invite your friends for a walk in the most awesome park in the region? Dreaming of trying a new kind of sport or adding more hobbies to your collection of interests? Don’t know where to spend your weekends: enjoying city life or going outside the city?

Save the most interesting places to go
You will definitely have a fun time here!
is a city with developed infrastructure
NMSTU structure
Enjoyable campus life, when everything is within striking distance
A complex
of libraries and extensive digital library
Modern equipment
Convenient lecture rooms
You will find all you need for your comfortable study
You can count on getting the state academic scholarship if you have passed all relevant tests and exams and if you only got good and excellent grades during your recent end-of-term examination period
Don’t worry though! Even if you have a satisfactory grade in your record book, you will still get a scholarship
Pre-university training
Courses and programs
«Russian as a foreign language»
at NMSTU but you haven’t decided what field of study to pursue? Let us keep you informed about everything
You know already that you will be applying for study
Do join us at NMSTU
You know already that you will be applying for study at NMSTU but you haven’t decided what field of study to pursue?

Let us keep you informed about everything
Не хватило баллов
на бюджет? Поступай на контракт
Стоимость платных образовательных услуг
в 2023/2024 учебном году
Go through general competition to study for free
Choose a major and check how many state-funded spots are available, find out what the passing scores were in the previous years and outperform the others at the entrance exams. There you go! Now you are enrolled with the Flagship University of the Southern Ural.

Bachelor’s / Specialist’s degree steps
To study based on Rossotrudnichestvo quotas, i.e. to study tuition-free
Fill in the application form at education-in-russia website, go through the selection process and an interview in your country of residence – and you are welcome at NMSTU!
To the website
To study based on contract
Don’t give up if you didn’t have enough scores or if you didn’t get a state-funded place! You can apply for contract-based study. Especially that you can pay in parts.

Prices for 2023/2024 academic year
*Признание иностранного образования не требуется гражданам Беларуси, Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Таджикистана, Азербайджана, Армении, Молдовы, Туркменистана, Украины (если образование получено с 26.05.2000 по 21.12.2022), Узбекистана (если образование получено после 30 мая 2019 года), Абхазии (если образование получено после 11 января 2019 года), Южной Осетии, (если образование получено после 4 мая 2018 года).
Document checklist
Оформление визы
** Помни! Все документы на иностранных языках должны сопровождаться заверенными переводами на русский язык. Если документ об образовании и паспорт дублируются на русский язык, нотариальный перевод не требуется.
increased scholarship
For active student life and successful study
University is not only about studying, but also about active student life
University is not only about studying, but also about active student life
International Cooperation Directorate:
+7 3519 22 04 67
here you can find a job not only for the summer holidays

These are leaders in steel production and other industries
We shall respond to any question of yours about the University and how to get enrolled
Uvarovskii Students’ Teams
Address: Building 5, ground floor, 45/1 Karla Marksa prospekt
Tel.: +7 968 119 01 15

«Your Efforts Will Be Rewarded!»
our partners are not only Russian, but also international companies
These are leaders in steel production and other industries
5 корпус МГТУ, 1 этаж
Адрес: пр. К. Маркса 45/1,

Телефон: +7 (968) 119-01-15
+7 958 158 44 86
Гончарная мастерская
Круглогодичный каток «Умка»
Чем заняться?
Прыжки с вышки
Прыжок с парашютом
Конный клуб «Клевер»
How to spend your free time?
Театр Пушкина
Краеведческий музей
Куда сходить?
Театр оперы и балета
В городе 4 кинотеатра
Картинная галерея
Экскурсия ММК
What to visit?
Немецкий городок
Где погулять?
Парк у вечного огня
Where to go for a stroll?
Русская баня
Банное озеро летом
Дом отдыха Юность
ГЛЦ Абзаково
ГЛЦ Банное
Where to relax?